Spirit Box Summer Workshops Announced!

What better way to set your Spirit Box enterprise up for success then to learn from other Spirit Box teams? We are excited to announce 2 half-day Spirit Box summer workshops to help facilitate just that!

These workshops are available at zero cost to all Spirit Box advisers and students managers.  Simply RSVP ASAP by emailing your Sprit Box account manager or hello@spiritboxnation.com with attendee names and T-shirt sizes!

Lunch will be provided, and we will cover important topics like effective marketing tactics, goal setting, managing financials, team roles, top selling products and more!

Kansas City

Where: Olathe East High School
When: Tuesday, July 31
             10:00a - 2:30p
Who: SB Advisers and Students
Cost: FREE!

Washington, D.C.

Where: Chantilly High School
When: Friday, August 17
             9:30a - 2:00p (lunch-11:30a)
Who: SB Advisers and Students
Cost: FREE!

Space is limited so pick a location and RSVP right away!

A special thank you to Keeley O'Grady at Olathe East High School, and Karyn Jones at Chantilly High School for hosting this year's summer workshops!