Training Videos & FAQs
Every business requires a little troubleshooting from time to time. We’ve compiled the most frequent needs. Still having trouble, contact us below.
Timed Events
Control times when certain products are available. Perfect for snack restricted districts.
Set Pricing
How to set pricing and configure coils (couple and uncoupling).
Extra Storage
How to open the bucket and access extra storage underneath the machine.
Fix a Coil
How to fix a coil so it will turn and dispense product again.
We review the basics of operating your Spirit Box school store vending machine.
Set Up
How to set up the trays, coils and dividing walls based on your product configuration.
Frequently Asked Questions
This could be a couple of things. First, the internet connection/signal may be weak. This can be checked by signing into your machine while in service mode, and selecting "Telemetry" from your Home and "Get Network Status". A few lines down, there should be a Dbm number between -45 and -80 if has a healthy connection. If that's the case, let a member of the Spirit Box team know and we can ship you an antenna booster to improve the signal.
This could be a couple of things. First, one of the coin tubes may be out or almost out of coins. It's important to keep each tube at least 1/4th of the way full at all times so the machine knows it can always make change. The second issue could be a coin jam, found either in the coin tubes or the upper section of the coin mechanism.
Your machine may have reverted back to sales mode. To get it into service mode where you can enter the password, find the trigger that gets pressed in at the top of the sliding door when closed. Hold the trigger down for a few seconds, and this will "simulate" closing the door and revert the machine back to service mode.
Each coil and corresponding motor is an odd or even number, counting from left to right. When you couple two motors, the odds can only connect with the right-side motor, and evens can only connect to the left. For example, motors 101 and 102 can be connected, but not 102 and 103.
Usually when this happens and your internet signal/connection hasn't changed (location based), it has to do with your machine's software version. To update any Spirit Box machine, use a flash drive with only one folder titled "atlas" to run new software updates manually. This flash drive can be plugged into any of the ports towards the top of the sliding door, on the inner side.
Still having trouble?
Send us an email or schedule a call.