Part 2: Hiring the Right People for your School Based Enterprise

Part 2: Hiring the Right People 

For your School Based Enterprise

With your Spirit Box team or your SBE Team, it is important to have a process of replacing members that graduate or leave your team. What kind of person are you looking for? What kind of training process do you have? If you don’t know the answer to this, don’t panic! We have the tools for you and your team.

Creating a plan

Meet with your team and outline the kind of qualities you are looking for and what responsibilities they would be taking on for each role. Do students apply for these roles or are they appointed? Create a process for how you bring on new people.

How can someone join the team? Is there an application and interview process?

Many SBEs and Spirit Boxes are tied in with a marketing class or business class. Perhaps the students in this class are the ones responsible for running the business. While you may have 10+ people in these classes, we still recommend 5 primary students to run the essential tasks of running your operation. For your Spirit Box Roles, we recommend having students in charge of finance, product, inventory, marketing, and one student manager. These students are in charge of these areas and can delegate out tasks to the rest of your class. 

Once your roles are set in stone, create the process in how students join. Here are a few options:

  • By filling out an application

  • By signing up

  • By joining a certain class (marketing, entrepreneurship, business, etc.)

  • By being nominated

Recruiting new team members

Create a plan for how you plan to generate interest and excitement in this new role. Highlight current members of your team on your business’s social media. Show the passion you have for your SBE or Spirit Box through sharing the experiences of your team members. 

Additionally, post flyers around your school sharing that your team is looking for a new team member. Explain how and where they can apply or join. 

If you are still needing to drum up interest, ask your school’s office if you can make an announcement over the intercom during daily announcements. 

Succession plan and team training

The best gift you can give someone who is replacing you or filling your role for when you leave, is leaving them with everything they need to do your job. Why? Because you built your role into what it is today. If you leave and the next person needs to start from scratch, all the hard work you put into that role was a waste of time. Let them take what you grew and build it to another level. This is how companies grow and thrive. An added bonus, the person filling your role, will most likely be immensely grateful.  

Applying this to life after school

One day you will be out of school, running your own business, and looking for that perfect person to hire for your company. Finding the right people for the job you are hiring for is essential for running a smooth and efficient operation. If you hire the wrong person, this can be detrimental to your business. 

This person needs to be passionate about the work you are doing and align with your business’s values and goals. Does the perfect person exist? Of course not! However, if your team is patient and effective in asking good questions as well as outlining your expectations you will find someone amazing! Read our full blog around hiring the right person. Once you have read both posts download our worksheet to help you create a hiring process for your school based enterprise.