Spirit Box Academy & What to Expect

Spirit Box Academy & What to Expect

To be honest, we are just a team of entrepreneurs hoping to give the next generation the best tools to succeed so they have an advantage as they enter the ‘real world’. 

We know that teachers are the role models students will remember, and Spirit Box Academy has been developed to support them with relevant tools to help make the biggest, longest lasting impression possible. 

How it started: 

Spirit Box was founded with the mission to provide a real-world engaging experience for students that overcomes the common challenges that educators face with running a traditional school store. We started with an all-inclusive school store vending machine program that accommodates the limited hours of your classroom teachings, while allowing purchases 24/7. 

The goal of Spirit Box has been to teach students life skills with a real turn-key business that is easy for teachers to implement within the walls of the school that students love to be a part of. 

We piloted the first Spirit Box businesses at Shawnee Mission East High School (Shawnee Mission, KS) and Blue Springs High School (Blue Springs, MO) over 10 years ago. As time has passed we’ve partnered with teachers and their students launching Spirit Box businesses all across the country, from Arizona to Virginia. More importantly we’ve learned of the many challenges educators face with finding a curriculum that is both easy to implement AND engages students. So, in January of 2020 we began developing Spirit Box Academy (SBA). 

Development Process

This SBA curriculum is a comprehensive learning program and framework for teachers to use in their classroom or remotely. Our curriculum is meant to pair with a real school based business whether that is a brick-and-mortar school store, coffee shop, Spirit Box, or simply a monthly bake sale. 

Spirit Box Academy aligns with the following career clusters: Business Management and Administration (BM), Finance (FN) and Marketing (MK). 

What do you get with Spirit Box Academy? 

  • Lessons around business and entrepreneurship that will continue to grow and evolve each year

  • PowerPoint presentations that pair with these lessons

  • Case studies 

  • Worksheets 

  • Articles 

  • Videos from business professionals

Who developed Spirit Box Academy?

Led by Rochelle McMillion, a CTE director from Dallas, TX, we’ve collaborated with educators, curriculum developers, entrepreneurs, and industry professionals nationwide. 

Your investment in Spirit Box Academy provides you with:  

  • Curriculum that incorporates Project Based Learning (PBL) without the guesswork⁠⁠

  • ⁠Flexibility to pick and choose what you want to teach on any given day ⁠

  • CTE Alignment⁠⁠ also meeting Common Career Technical Core (CCTC) standards 

  • Formative and summative assessments

What is covered in the curriculum?

Through the discovery process we’ve identified a broad scope of lessons, activities and goal-oriented tasks required to make learning meaningful, including:

  • Operations

  • Strategic Planning

  • Law, Regulations, and Code

  • Human Resources

  • Finance

  • Price

  • Product

  • Place

  • Promotion

  • Marketing Information Management

  • Market Planning

  • Career Readiness



Already a Spirit Box school? Great! Our new SBA curriculum is included at no additional cost to all current Spirit Box programs!

Interested in taking the next step? You can purchase our new Spirit Box academy curriculum by itself, or launch a Spirit Box school store vending machine which includes the curriculum. 

We know that this isn’t a small investment and we don’t take that lightly. To help, we’ve created a downloadable guide to help you decide if launching a Spirit Box school store vending machine will help you meet the vision for your program.

We will support you through the entire process, including consultation on how to fund your new Spirit Box business. Reach out to us today at info@spiritboxnation.com.